Thief breaking into vehicleAt the end of each month, or year, every business looks at their expenses and wonders how it cut its losses. It happens every time, and a lot of those losses are preventable, but not once they’re already gone.

Unfortunately signing up with Rhino Fleet Tracking can’t get you back any of your 2020 losses, we wish we could help there. What we can do: help guarantee you don’t take big losses from here on out.

From employee theft, including vehicle misuse, to unexpected threats like robbery, below is a breakdown of how Rhino Fleet Tracking system protect your assets, equipment, vehicles, and more against theft!

Preventing Employee Theft

Many business owners are surprised when they find out how often their vehicles are being used outside of work hours. Employees who are assigned vehicles often use those vehicles for personal use – it’s no secret.

But what are they using those vehicles for and what time of day?

Rhino Fleet Tracking provides invaluable data about where your vehicles have gone, if they are being used inappropriately, and how much wear and tear is being added to your vehicles because of these problems.


Having a vehicle tracking system with historical data is the only way to fully understand your drivers’ behaviors outside of the office.

We do understand some use of the vehicles outside is not prohibited. Still, data will help you understand what is zero-tolerance behavior.

This kind of theft – where employees take company vehicles on family vacations and golf trips is more common that we’d like to admit, but tracking helps slow it down and in many cases, eliminate the problem entirely.

We’ve seen it happen time after time. Using the data to understand your drivers is an invaluable part of the experience.

Preventing Unexpected Theft and Loss

Preventing thieves from breaking into vehicles in a problem we’ve almost done away with – but not entirely just yet.

Equipping your fleet with a GPS tracking system that is installed beneath the dashboard is the best way to ensure your vehicle doesn’t stop tracking if it is stolen.

Rhino Fleet Tracking customer service works with local police to recover stolen vehicles.

We don’t take the honor of protecting your property lightly. Our team is fast and dedicated to getting your vehicles back pronto.

If stolen – vehicle trackers send direct alerts to fleet managers and owners and show progress of where the vehicle has gone. It’s terrifying knowing your assets are stolen, but we’re here to get them back.

Preventing Equipment Theft

Our equipment trackers, whether the heavy-duty powered asset tracking or the wireless battery powered asset tracking, help owners know exact where their equipment is and prevent it from being stolen.

Our battery powered tracker acts like a vehicle tracking device if your stored equipment is moved from it’s location. You can set up alerts for movement so anytime there is movement – expected or unexpected – watch your equipment on your tracking dashboard.

Lots of equipment that is stolen is taken somewhere with the same city and thieves store it without knowing it’s being tracked. We can come in and quickly get it back – with local authorities of course. We do not recommend confronting thieves to get your stolen assets back.

When you look at losses from last year, take a look at what equipment you could have protected from someone keeping it, or it getting lost. And think about the vehicle you had to replace that was supposed to last two more years. These are areas Rhino is ready to help improve your business. Call 1-800-293-0420 today!