fleet tracking construction

Construction Saves with Fleet Tracking

If you own a construction company of any size, you send crews out in your trucks to job sites all over the are or maybe in multiple states.  This usually means you have 2-5 workers in a vehicle reporting an arrival time and departure time from each job site.

Our very first customer ever, a long time ago, is an overhead door company. When we first met them, we were having work done on our building.  When the driver arrived, he spent about 10 minutes in his truck.  One of us finally had to go see what was taking so long to start work.  He said “My boss makes us fill out all of this paperwork to prove where we were, when we got there and what we did.”  Well, we found out this guy wasn’t the reason for it.  That construction company had 4 trucks at the time.  3 had monthly fuel bills of $350 each.  The fourth had a fuel bill of over $1,500!  The boss knew there was a problem but couldn’t prove it and wasn’t able to prove it with all of the paperwork and lost productivity of all of his crews.

Once we installed tracking on his trucks, he informed the crews that they were there.  Immediately, the fourth truck’s fuel usage fell right in line with the rest of the crews saving our first customer $1,150 per month.  He’d tell you fleet tracking of his construction company trucks was a great choice.

Another customer didn’t necessary recognize the problem but decided to try anyway.  He was running 40 trucks maintaining cell towers with crews of 4 in each truck.  In his case, one of his teams was milking the clock on each end of the day for 15 minutes.  The entire crew was in on it and filling out matching timesheet!  The monthly labor cost got up to $6,000 in extra labor!  They began creating timesheet from the tracking data and requiring the crews to sign off weekly.  Problem eliminated!

Other construction companies have issues with stolen equipment. The 2nd company referenced above had a problem with trailers of generators and large welding machines being stolen.  So, we added trailer tracking devices to each trailer.  At last count, they had recovered 3 rigs because of the trailer tracking devices installed and their ability to locate the stolen trailers and equipment.