At the wheelIn the morning when the driver hadn’t delivered the shipment, everyone knew something was up.

Late last night David left with a shipment to an in-state grocery store after picking up from the distribution center. The ride was 6 hours, he’d arrive at 5am.

For a ride this short it’s normal for the fleet manager to not hear from David until after the job is finished.

At 5:20am the grocery manager called David. No answer. Weird.

He waited a few minutes. Called again. No answer again.

Next he called the fleet manager to notify him that him that his driver was late and wasn’t responding to calls. David was reliable, they both knew something had happened.

The fleet manager opened his fleet tracking software and searched for David’s truck as he called him on the phone.

After searching for David in his drivers, he found his vehicle tracker located about 2 miles away from the main highway he had been taking. The vehicle had been stopped for more than an hour.

The fleet manager contacted local authorities, who found David driven off the side of the road, exactly where the GPS vehicle tracking showed.

He was found breathing, but in rough condition. The vehicle suffered no damages.

After being rushed to the hospital, they learned David suffered a heart attack and was unable to operate the vehicle. He had driven off the road and was unconscious when they found him.

The got to him just in the nick of time. It saved his life.

Thankfully, David has now regained his health. He appreciated GPS tracking for what it did for him that night.

GPS tracking can help ensure the safety of your drivers while they are on the go. Consider them when evaluating the value of fleet tracking.


*Names and Images have been changed to protect the identity of this person.*